The East window of the Chancel at Holy Cross, is of particular interest, as it depicts the Risen Christ flanked by Saint George, Saint Stephen, Saint Michael and Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors and can be seen cradling HMS Glorious. The ships crest is at the base, surmounting an inscription which reads, "May the Lord in Glory mercifully receive William Hugh Parkin and those aboard HMS Glorious who perished with him and all others from Bearsted & elsewhere who died that we might live 1939-1945".
Lt. Cdr. William Hugh Parkin, Fleet Air Arm, was the 33 year old younger son of William H. Whitehead, who was a distinguished local figure and chairman of the parish council for 40 years. After the war, he commissioned the window, by Francis Spear, and it was consecrated by the Bishop of Dover on January 18th 1948. The family also commissioned a second window, which can be seen at St. Peter's Church at Martindale, Cumbria, where Lt. Cdr. Parkin once lived and where members of his family still reside.
Inside of Holy Cross Church